Whenever you use any information from this website please cite the following paper:
Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & Hering D. (2015): www.freshwaterecology.info - an online tool that unifies, standardises and codifies more than 20,000 European freshwater organisms and their ecological preferences. Ecological Indicators. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.02.007
Additionally, the use of ecological information of individual taxonomic groups and individual ecological parameters must always be cited as mentioned in the according reference section.
: to find this reference section please click on the booklet-icon on the right side of each of your query results
: for one specific organism group and one specific ecological parameter it may be necessary to cite several references; to facilitate this procedure you will find a reference list-icon in the headline of each queried ecological parameter; after clicking on that icon a complete reference list will be displayed; at the end of the list you will find an Export-button to easily export this information
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General references can be found here:
Citation of the entire database/website
- Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & Hering D. (2015): www.freshwaterecology.info - an online tool that unifies, standardises and codifies more than 20,000 European freshwater organisms and their ecological preferences. Ecological Indicators 53: 271-282. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.02.007
Schmidt-Kloiber A. & Hering D. (eds.): www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Please note: If you use any trait information provided by Henri Tachet and colleagues, the general citation of the www.freshwaterecology.info is not enough. You always have to cite Tachet et al. as well (see below).
- Schinegger, R., Friedrich, T. & Meulenbroek, P.: Dataset "Fish". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
- Grenouillet, G. & Schmidt-Kloiber., A. (2006): Fish Indicator Database. Euro-limpacs project, Workpackage 7 - Indicators of ecosystem health, Task 4, accessed via www.freshwaterecology.info, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Graf, W., Murphy, J., Dahl, J., Zamora-Munoz, C., Lopez-Rodriguez M.J. & Schmidt-Kloiber., A.: Dataset "Trichoptera". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
- Graf, W., Murphy, J., Dahl, J., Zamora-Munoz, C. & Lopez-Rodriguez, M.J. (2008): Distribution and Ecological Preferences of European Freshwater Organisms. Volume 1 - Trichoptera. Edited by Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & D. Hering. Pensoft Publishers (Sofia-Moscow). 388pp.
Graf, W., Lorenz, A.W., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Lücke, S., Lopez-Rodriguez, M.J., Murphy, J. & Schmidt-Kloiber, A.: Dataset "Plecoptera". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
- Graf, W., Lorenz, A.W., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Lücke, S., Lopez-Rodriguez, M.J. & Davies, C. (2009): Distribution and Ecological Preferences of European Freshwater Organisms. Volume 2 - Plecoptera. Edited by Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & D. Hering. Pensoft Publishers (Sofia-Moscow). 262pp.
Buffagni, A., Armanini, D.G., Cazzola, M., Alba-Tercedor, J., Lopez-Rodriguez, M.J., Murphy, J., Sandin, L. & Schmidt-Kloiber, A.: Dataset "Ephemeroptera". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
- Buffagni, A., Cazzola, M., Lopez-Rodriguez, M.J., Alba-Tercedor, J. & Armanini, D.G. (2009): Distribution and Ecological Preferences of European Freshwater Organisms. Volume 3 - Ephemeroptera. Edited by Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & D. Hering. Pensoft Publishers (Sofia-Moscow). 254pp.
Brabec, K., Janecek B.F.U., Rossaro B., Spies M., Bitusik P., Syrovatka V. & Schmidt-Kloiber, A.: Dataset "Chironomidae". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Dijkstra, K.-D.B., Wildermuth, H. & Martens, A.: Dataset "Odonata". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Hoerren, T., Heckes, U. & Hess, M.: Dataset "Coleoptera". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Operational Taxalist
Lorenz, A. & Leitner, P./Leitner, P. & Lorenz, A. (depending on taxagroup): Additional ecologcial preferences and biological traits classification for freshwaterecology.info, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
All other taxagroups (if not specified otherwise)
Schmidt-Kloiber A. & Hering D. (eds.): www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Tachet trait database
Tachet H., Bournaud M., Richoux P. & Usseglio-Polatera P. (2010): Invertébrés d'eau douce - systématique, biologie, écologie. CNRS Editions, Paris. Accessed through www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Pall, K., Plachy, B. & Pall, S.: Dataset "Macrophytes". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
- Hofmann, G. & Hartmann, A.: Additions and update to the dataset "Diatoms". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Besse-Lototskaya, A., Coste M., Verdonschot, P.F.M. and Schmidt-Kloiber, A.: Dataset "Diatoms". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Phytobenthos without diatoms
- Gutowski, A. & Hartmann, A.: Dataset "Phytobenthos without diatoms". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
- Riedmüller, U., Hoehn, E. & Hartmann, A.: Additions and update to the dataset "Phytoplankton". www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
Mischke U., Skjelbred B., Morabito, G., Ptacnik R., de Hoyos C., Negro A.I., Laplace C., Kusber W.-H., Bijkerk R., Phillips G., Solheim A.L., Borics, G. & Carvalho L.: Dataset "Phytoplankton" (according to the WISER project). www.freshwaterecology.info - the taxa and autecology database for freshwater organisms, version 8.0 (accessed on 23.02.2025).
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University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Department Water - Atmosphere - Environment
Institute of Hydrobiology & Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Working Group RHEOPHYLAX
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Contact person: Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber (astrid.schmidt-kloiber@boku.ac.at)