Ecological parameter: stream zonation preference
Parameter group: region related parameters
Species are categorised based on their stream zonation preference. The stream zonation or longitudinal preference of invertebrate communities reflects the temperature regime of a river and is therefore an important parameter to detect and evaluate temperature increases as induced by e.g. climate change. It can also be used to assess river degradation (e.g. hydromorphological changes) and stress intensity. The categories are taken from Moog et al. (1995) and are based on the concept of biocoenotic regions (Rhithron-Potamon Concept).
Moog, O. (ed.) (1995): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca - A Comprehensive Species Inventory of Austrian Aquatic Organisms with Ecological Notes. Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Wasserwirtschaftskataster Vienna: loose-leaf binder.
Classification system: 10 point assignment system
A description of the coding system can be found here Abbreviations/Coding Systems
Category name: | Abbreviations: | Explanation: |
eucrenal | euc | spring region |
hypocrenal | hyc | spring-brook |
epirhithral | erh | upper-trout region |
metarhithral | mrh | lower-trout region |
hyporhithral | hrh | grayling region |
epipotamal | epo | barbel region |
metapotamal | mpo | bream region |
hypopotamal | hpo | brackish water region |
littoral | lit | lake and stream shorelines, lentic sites, ponds etc. |
profundal | pro | bottom of lakes |
Taxagroup | Number of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage |
Araneae | 1 / 7 - 14.2% |
Bivalvia | 49 / 77 - 63.6% |
Branchiobdellida | 2 / 8 - 25% |
Bryozoa | 11 / 19 - 57.8% |
Chironomidae | 408 / 1315 - 31% |
Coelenterata | 1 / 13 - 7.6% |
Coleoptera | 695 / 2678 - 25.9% |
Crustacea | 83 / 270 - 30.7% |
Diptera (excl. Chironomidae) | 95 / 2404 - 3.9% |
Ephemeroptera | 208 / 353 - 58.9% |
Gastropoda | 115 / 241 - 47.7% |
Heteroptera | 73 / 124 - 58.8% |
Hirudinea | 32 / 68 - 47% |
Lepidoptera | 6 / 19 - 31.5% |
Megaloptera | 3 / 6 - 50% |
Odonata | 165 / 174 - 94.8% |
Oligochaeta | 79 / 240 - 32.9% |
Planipennia | 6 / 12 - 50% |
Plecoptera | 384 / 576 - 66.6% |
Polychaeta | 9 / 13 - 69.2% |
Porifera | 6 / 12 - 50% |
Trichoptera | 844 / 1439 - 58.6% |
Turbellaria | 16 / 61 - 26.2% |