

Ecological parameter: small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert

Parameter group: ecoregion related parameters

This parameter shows the distribution of caddisfly (Trichoptera) species in small area units within the Western Palearctic region according to an extensive literature review compiled by B. Robert (2015).

Robert, B. (2015): Distribution of caddisfly species (Insecta: Trichoptera) in the Western Palearctic region. Unpublished compilation.

Type of assignment: presence/absence assignment system ()
A description of the coding system can be found here  Abbreviations/Coding Systems

main geographical regiongeographical subregionecoregion sensu Illiescountryregion number
Northern AfricaWestern North AfricaNorth Africa ("X")TU1
Northern AfricaWestern North AfricaNorth Africa ("X")AL2
Northern AfricaWestern North AfricaNorth Africa ("X")MO3
Southern EuropeWestern South EuropeIberic Region (ER1)ES4a
Southern EuropeWestern South EuropeIberic Region (ER1)PT5a
Southern EuropeWestern South EuropeIberic Region (ER1)PT5b
Southern EuropeWestern South EuropeIberic Region (ER1)ES4b
Southern EuropeWestern South EuropeIberic Region (ER1)ES4c
Southern EuropeWestern South EuropePyrennes (ER2)ES4d
Southern EuropeWestern South EuropePyrennes (ER2)FR6a
Southern EuropeCentral South EuropeER8?FR6b
Southern EuropeCentral South EuropeItaly, Corsica and Malta (ER3)IT7a
Southern EuropeCentral South EuropeItaly, Corsica and Malta (ER3)IT7b
Southern EuropeCentral South EuropeItaly, Corsica and Malta (ER3)IT7c
Southern EuropeCentral South EuropeItaly, Corsica and Malta (ER3)IT7d
Southern EuropeCentral South EuropeItaly, Corsica and Malta (ER3)FR6c
Southwest AsiaAsia MinorMiddle East (Y)Levante8
Southwest AsiaAsia MinorMiddle East (Y)IN9
Southwest AsiaAsia MinorThe Caucasus (ER24)Caucasus10
Southwest AsiaAsia MinorMiddle East (Y)TR11a
Southwest AsiaAsia MinorMiddle East (Y)TR11b
Southwest AsiaAsia MinorMiddle East (Y)TR11c
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Dinaric South EuropeHellenic Western Balkan (ER6) GR12a
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Dinaric South EuropeHellenic Western Balkan (ER6) AL13
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Dinaric South EuropeHellenic Western Balkan (ER6) MK14
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Dinaric South EuropeDinaric Western Balkan (ER5)RS, ME, Kosovo15a
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Dinaric South EuropeDinaric Western Balkan (ER5)BA16
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Dinaric South EuropeDinaric Western Balkan (ER5)HR17a
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Dinaric South EuropeDinaric Western Balkan (ER5)SL18a
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Balkanic South Europe Eastern Balkan (ER7)GR12b
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Balkanic South Europe Eastern Balkan (ER7)TR11d
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Balkanic South Europe Eastern Balkan (ER7)BG19
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula)Balkanic South Europe Eastern Balkan (ER7)RS, ME, Kosovo15b
Central MountainsEastern Central MountainsThe Carpathians (ER10)RO20a
Central MountainsEastern Central MountainsThe Carpathians (ER10)RO20b
Central MountainsEastern Central MountainsThe Carpathians (ER10)UA21a
Central MountainsEastern Central MountainsThe Carpathians (ER10)SK22
Central MountainsEastern Central MountainsThe Carpathians (ER10)HU23a
Central MountainsEastern Central MountainsThe Carpathians (ER10)CZ24a
Central MountainsEastern Central MountainsThe Carpathians (ER10)PL25a
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)CZ24b
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)AT26a
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)DE27a
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)DE27b
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)DE27c
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)DE27d
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)DE27e
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)DE27f
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)DE27g
Central MountainsNorthern Central MountainsCentral Highlands (ER9)CH28a
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)DE27h
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)AT26b
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)AT26c
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)SL18b
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)IT7e
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)IT7f
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)CH28b
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)IT7g
Central MountainsSouthern Central MountainsAlps (ER4)FR6d
Central MountainsWestern Central MountainsWestern Highlands (ER8)FR6e
Central MountainsWestern Central MountainsWestern Highlands (ER8)FR6f
Central MountainsWestern Central MountainsWestern Highlands (ER8)CH28c
Central MountainsWestern Central MountainsWestern Highlands (ER8)FR6g
Central MountainsWestern Central MountainsWestern Highlands (ER8)DE27i
Central MountainsWestern Central MountainsWestern Highlands (ER8)LU29
Central MountainsWestern Central MountainsWestern Highlands (ER8)BE30a
Central MountainsBritish IslesIreland & N. Ireland (ER17)IE31
Central MountainsBritish IslesGreat Britain (ER18)UK46a
Central MountainsBritish IslesGreat Britain (ER18)UK46b
European LowlandsWestern LowlandWestern Plains (ER13)FR6h
European LowlandsWestern LowlandWestern Plains (ER13)FR6i
European LowlandsWestern LowlandWestern Plains (ER13)BE30b
European LowlandsWestern LowlandWestern Plains (ER13)NL44a
European LowlandsWestern LowlandWestern Plains (ER13)DE27j
European LowlandsCentral LowlandCentral Plains (ER14)DE27p
European LowlandsCentral LowlandCentral Plains (ER14)NL44b
European LowlandsCentral LowlandCentral Plains (ER14)DE27k
European LowlandsCentral LowlandCentral Plains (ER14)DE27n
European LowlandsCentral LowlandCentral Plains (ER14)DK45a
European LowlandsCentral LowlandCentral Plains (ER14)SE32a
European LowlandsCentral LowlandCentral Plains (ER14)DE27m
European LowlandsCentral LowlandCentral Plains (ER14)PL25b
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandHungarian Lowlands (ER11)AT26d
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandHungarian Lowlands (ER11)HU23b
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandHungarian Lowlands (ER11)HU23c
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandHungarian Lowlands (ER11)SL18c
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandHungarian Lowlands (ER11)HR17b
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandHungarian Lowlands (ER11)HU23d
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandPontic Province (ER12)RO20c
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandPontic Province (ER12)UA21b
European LowlandsSouthern LowlandCaspian Depression (ER25)RU33a
European LowlandsEastern LowlandEastern Plains (ER16)RU33b
European LowlandsEastern LowlandEastern Plains (ER16)UA21c
European LowlandsEastern LowlandEastern Plains (ER16)BY34
European LowlandsEastern LowlandBaltic Region (ER15)LT35
European LowlandsEastern LowlandBaltic Region (ER15)LV36
Northern EuropeEastern North EuropeBaltic Region (ER15)ET37
Northern EuropeEastern North EuropeTaiga (ER23)RU33c
Northern EuropeEastern North EuropeTaiga (ER23)FI38
Northern EuropeWestern North EuropeFenno-Scandian Shield (ER22)SE32b
Northern EuropeWestern North EuropeBorealic Uplands (ER20)NO39
Northern EuropeArctic EuropeTundra (ER21)Tundra40
UralUralUral MountainsRU33d
Selected Regions & IslandsEastern PalaearcticSiberiaRU33e
Selected Regions & IslandsEastern PalaearcticSiberiaRU33f
Selected Regions & IslandsEastern PalaearcticSiberiaRU33g
Selected Regions & IslandsEastern PalaearcticMongoliaMN41
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsIceland (ER19)IS42
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsCentral Plains (ER14)DK45b
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsCentral Plains (ER14)DK45c
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsBaltic Region (ER15)SE32c
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsHungarian Lowlands (ER11)SR15c
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsMiddle East (Y)CY43
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsMiddle East (Y) ?Arabian Penisula47
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsHellenic Western Balkan (ER6) GR12c
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsHellenic Western Balkan (ER6) GR12d
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsHellenic Western Balkan (ER6) GR12e
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsHellenic Western Balkan (ER6) GR12f
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsIberic Region (ER1)ES4e
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsMacaronesian Region (ER1)ES4f
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsMacaronesian Region (ER1)PT5c
Selected Regions & IslandsSelected Islands & RegionsMacaronesian Region (ER1)PT5d
Selected Regions & IslandsEastern North AfricaNorth Africa ("X")EG48
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit:
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Trichoptera1078 / 1439 - 74.9%