Ecological parameter: small-scale geographical distribution according to Berthold Robert
Parameter group: ecoregion related parameters
This parameter shows the distribution of caddisfly (Trichoptera) species in small area units within the Western Palearctic region according to an extensive literature review compiled by B. Robert (2015).
Robert, B. (2015): Distribution of caddisfly species (Insecta: Trichoptera) in the Western Palearctic region. Unpublished compilation.
Type of assignment: presence/absence assignment system ()
A description of the coding system can be found here Abbreviations/Coding Systems
main geographical region | geographical subregion | ecoregion sensu Illies | country | region number |
Northern Africa | Western North Africa | North Africa ("X") | TU | 1 |
Northern Africa | Western North Africa | North Africa ("X") | AL | 2 |
Northern Africa | Western North Africa | North Africa ("X") | MO | 3 |
Southern Europe | Western South Europe | Iberic Region (ER1) | ES | 4a |
Southern Europe | Western South Europe | Iberic Region (ER1) | PT | 5a |
Southern Europe | Western South Europe | Iberic Region (ER1) | PT | 5b |
Southern Europe | Western South Europe | Iberic Region (ER1) | ES | 4b |
Southern Europe | Western South Europe | Iberic Region (ER1) | ES | 4c |
Southern Europe | Western South Europe | Pyrennes (ER2) | ES | 4d |
Southern Europe | Western South Europe | Pyrennes (ER2) | FR | 6a |
Southern Europe | Central South Europe | ER8? | FR | 6b |
Southern Europe | Central South Europe | Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3) | IT | 7a |
Southern Europe | Central South Europe | Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3) | IT | 7b |
Southern Europe | Central South Europe | Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3) | IT | 7c |
Southern Europe | Central South Europe | Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3) | IT | 7d |
Southern Europe | Central South Europe | Italy, Corsica and Malta (ER3) | FR | 6c |
Southwest Asia | Asia Minor | Middle East (Y) | Levante | 8 |
Southwest Asia | Asia Minor | Middle East (Y) | IN | 9 |
Southwest Asia | Asia Minor | The Caucasus (ER24) | Caucasus | 10 |
Southwest Asia | Asia Minor | Middle East (Y) | TR | 11a |
Southwest Asia | Asia Minor | Middle East (Y) | TR | 11b |
Southwest Asia | Asia Minor | Middle East (Y) | TR | 11c |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Dinaric South Europe | Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) | GR | 12a |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Dinaric South Europe | Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) | AL | 13 |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Dinaric South Europe | Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) | MK | 14 |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Dinaric South Europe | Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5) | RS, ME, Kosovo | 15a |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Dinaric South Europe | Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5) | BA | 16 |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Dinaric South Europe | Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5) | HR | 17a |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Dinaric South Europe | Dinaric Western Balkan (ER5) | SL | 18a |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Balkanic South Europe | Eastern Balkan (ER7) | GR | 12b |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Balkanic South Europe | Eastern Balkan (ER7) | TR | 11d |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Balkanic South Europe | Eastern Balkan (ER7) | BG | 19 |
Southern Europe (Balkan Peninsula) | Balkanic South Europe | Eastern Balkan (ER7) | RS, ME, Kosovo | 15b |
Central Mountains | Eastern Central Mountains | The Carpathians (ER10) | RO | 20a |
Central Mountains | Eastern Central Mountains | The Carpathians (ER10) | RO | 20b |
Central Mountains | Eastern Central Mountains | The Carpathians (ER10) | UA | 21a |
Central Mountains | Eastern Central Mountains | The Carpathians (ER10) | SK | 22 |
Central Mountains | Eastern Central Mountains | The Carpathians (ER10) | HU | 23a |
Central Mountains | Eastern Central Mountains | The Carpathians (ER10) | CZ | 24a |
Central Mountains | Eastern Central Mountains | The Carpathians (ER10) | PL | 25a |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | CZ | 24b |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | AT | 26a |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | DE | 27a |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | DE | 27b |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | DE | 27c |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | DE | 27d |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | DE | 27e |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | DE | 27f |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | DE | 27g |
Central Mountains | Northern Central Mountains | Central Highlands (ER9) | CH | 28a |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | DE | 27h |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | AT | 26b |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | AT | 26c |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | SL | 18b |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | IT | 7e |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | IT | 7f |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | CH | 28b |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | IT | 7g |
Central Mountains | Southern Central Mountains | Alps (ER4) | FR | 6d |
Central Mountains | Western Central Mountains | Western Highlands (ER8) | FR | 6e |
Central Mountains | Western Central Mountains | Western Highlands (ER8) | FR | 6f |
Central Mountains | Western Central Mountains | Western Highlands (ER8) | CH | 28c |
Central Mountains | Western Central Mountains | Western Highlands (ER8) | FR | 6g |
Central Mountains | Western Central Mountains | Western Highlands (ER8) | DE | 27i |
Central Mountains | Western Central Mountains | Western Highlands (ER8) | LU | 29 |
Central Mountains | Western Central Mountains | Western Highlands (ER8) | BE | 30a |
Central Mountains | British Isles | Ireland & N. Ireland (ER17) | IE | 31 |
Central Mountains | British Isles | Great Britain (ER18) | UK | 46a |
Central Mountains | British Isles | Great Britain (ER18) | UK | 46b |
European Lowlands | Western Lowland | Western Plains (ER13) | FR | 6h |
European Lowlands | Western Lowland | Western Plains (ER13) | FR | 6i |
European Lowlands | Western Lowland | Western Plains (ER13) | BE | 30b |
European Lowlands | Western Lowland | Western Plains (ER13) | NL | 44a |
European Lowlands | Western Lowland | Western Plains (ER13) | DE | 27j |
European Lowlands | Central Lowland | Central Plains (ER14) | DE | 27p |
European Lowlands | Central Lowland | Central Plains (ER14) | NL | 44b |
European Lowlands | Central Lowland | Central Plains (ER14) | DE | 27k |
European Lowlands | Central Lowland | Central Plains (ER14) | DE | 27n |
European Lowlands | Central Lowland | Central Plains (ER14) | DK | 45a |
European Lowlands | Central Lowland | Central Plains (ER14) | SE | 32a |
European Lowlands | Central Lowland | Central Plains (ER14) | DE | 27m |
European Lowlands | Central Lowland | Central Plains (ER14) | PL | 25b |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Hungarian Lowlands (ER11) | AT | 26d |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Hungarian Lowlands (ER11) | HU | 23b |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Hungarian Lowlands (ER11) | HU | 23c |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Hungarian Lowlands (ER11) | SL | 18c |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Hungarian Lowlands (ER11) | HR | 17b |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Hungarian Lowlands (ER11) | HU | 23d |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Pontic Province (ER12) | RO | 20c |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Pontic Province (ER12) | UA | 21b |
European Lowlands | Southern Lowland | Caspian Depression (ER25) | RU | 33a |
European Lowlands | Eastern Lowland | Eastern Plains (ER16) | RU | 33b |
European Lowlands | Eastern Lowland | Eastern Plains (ER16) | UA | 21c |
European Lowlands | Eastern Lowland | Eastern Plains (ER16) | BY | 34 |
European Lowlands | Eastern Lowland | Baltic Region (ER15) | LT | 35 |
European Lowlands | Eastern Lowland | Baltic Region (ER15) | LV | 36 |
Northern Europe | Eastern North Europe | Baltic Region (ER15) | ET | 37 |
Northern Europe | Eastern North Europe | Taiga (ER23) | RU | 33c |
Northern Europe | Eastern North Europe | Taiga (ER23) | FI | 38 |
Northern Europe | Western North Europe | Fenno-Scandian Shield (ER22) | SE | 32b |
Northern Europe | Western North Europe | Borealic Uplands (ER20) | NO | 39 |
Northern Europe | Arctic Europe | Tundra (ER21) | Tundra | 40 |
Ural | Ural | Ural Mountains | RU | 33d |
Selected Regions & Islands | Eastern Palaearctic | Siberia | RU | 33e |
Selected Regions & Islands | Eastern Palaearctic | Siberia | RU | 33f |
Selected Regions & Islands | Eastern Palaearctic | Siberia | RU | 33g |
Selected Regions & Islands | Eastern Palaearctic | Mongolia | MN | 41 |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Iceland (ER19) | IS | 42 |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Central Plains (ER14) | DK | 45b |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Central Plains (ER14) | DK | 45c |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Baltic Region (ER15) | SE | 32c |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Hungarian Lowlands (ER11) | SR | 15c |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Middle East (Y) | CY | 43 |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Middle East (Y) ? | Arabian Penisula | 47 |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) | GR | 12c |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) | GR | 12d |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) | GR | 12e |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Hellenic Western Balkan (ER6) | GR | 12f |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Iberic Region (ER1) | ES | 4e |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Macaronesian Region (ER1) | ES | 4f |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Macaronesian Region (ER1) | PT | 5c |
Selected Regions & Islands | Selected Islands & Regions | Macaronesian Region (ER1) | PT | 5d |
Selected Regions & Islands | Eastern North Africa | North Africa ("X") | EG | 48 |
Taxagroup | Number of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage |
Trichoptera | 1078 / 1439 - 74.9% |