Ecological parameter: growth form WIEGLEB, extended according to van de Weyer
Parameter group: life related parameters
The parameter charcterises the dominant growth form (morphology) of macrophytes as defined by Wiegleb (1991) and extended by van de Weyer (2018).
van de Weyer, K., Schmidt, C., Kreimeier, B. & Wassong, D. (2018): Bestimmungsschlüssel für die aquatischen Makrophyten in Deutschland. Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft des Landes Brandenburg (Hrsg.), Fachbeiträge des LfU, Heft Nr. 119, 173pp.
Wiegleb, G. (1991): Lebens- und Wuchsformen der makrophytischen Wasserpflanzen und deren Beziehungen zur Ökologie, Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung der Arten. Tuexenia 11: 135-147.
Category name: | Abbreviations: | Explanation: |
batrachid | batrachid | macrophytes with floating and divided or undivided submerged leaves; anchored (e.g. Ranunculus - Batrachium, Shinnersia) |
bryid | bryid | Bryophyta |
ceratophyllid | ceratophyllid | pleustophytes (free floating) with large, divided, submerged leaves (e.g. Ceratophyllum, Utricularia) |
charid | charid | submerged macrophytes with whorled branches; anchored by rhizoids (Charophyta) |
elodeid | elodeid | submerged macrophytes with whorled sprouts and undivided, entire, small leaves; anchored (e.g. Egeria, Elodea, Hydrilla, Lagarosiphon) |
equiseteid | equiseteid | shoots and leaves/branches with dentate sheaths, fertile plants with terminal sporangia (Equisetum) |
graminoid | graminoid | Poaceae; anchored (e.g. Agrostis, Alopecurus, Glyceria, Phalaris) |
herbid | herbid | submerged herbaceous plants; anchored (e.g. Berula, Cardamine, Mentha, Myosotis, Nasturtium, Sium, Veronica) |
hydrocharid | hydrocharid | pleustophytes (free floating) with large floating leaves (Hydrocharis) |
isoetid | isoetid | low-growing macrophytes with basal rosettes; anchored (e.g. Eleocharis, Isoetes, Litorella, Lobelia) |
juncid | juncid | submerged macrophytes with undivided, narrow, entire, locular leaves (Juncus) |
lemnid | lemnid | pleustophytes (free floating) with small, foliate floating sprouts (e.g. Azolla, Lemna, Spirodela, Wolffia) |
magnonymphaeid | magnonymphaeid | macrophytes with large floating leaves attached to a submerged rhizome by an elongate petiole; anchored (e.g. Nymphaea, Nuphar) |
magnopotamid | magnopotamid | submerged macrophytes with undivided, broad, entire leaves; anchored (e.g. Potamogeton lucens, Potamogeton perfoliatus) |
myriophyllid | myriophyllid | submerged macrophytes with long stems and finely divided leaves; anchored (e.g. Cabomba, Myriophyllum, Oenanthe) |
parvo-nymphaeid | parvo-nymphaeid | macrophytes with small floating leaves attached to a submerged rhizome by an elongate petiole; anchored (e.g. Sagittaria) |
parvopotamid | parvopotamid | submerged macrophytes with undivided, slender, entire leaves; anchored (e.g. Potamogeton pectinatus, Zannichellia) |
peplid | peplid | macrophytes with elongated or spathulate leaves forming a terminal rosette; anchored (e.g. Callitriche, Peplis portula) |
ricciellid | ricciellid | small submerged pleustophytes (free floating), no differentiation in leaf and sprout (e.g. Riccia, Lemna trisulca) |
stratioid | stratioid | weakly anchored to floating, partly submerged rosettes which overwinter on bottom of waterbody (Stratiotes) |
vallisnerid | vallisnerid | macrophytes with long, floating basal leaves; anchored (e.g. Sparganium emersum f. vallisnerifolia, Vallisneria spiralis) |
Taxagroup | Number of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage |
Bryopsida | 213 / 213 - 100% |
Charophyceae | 45 / 52 - 86.5% |
Liliopsida | 131 / 361 - 36.2% |
Lycopsida | 7 / 12 - 58.3% |
Magnoliopsida | 13 / 20 - 65% |
Marchantiopsida | 61 / 62 - 98.3% |
Polypodiopsida | 11 / 19 - 57.8% |
Rosopsida | 118 / 399 - 29.5% |
Sphenopsida | 9 / 9 - 100% |