

Ecological parameter: leaf persistance

Parameter group: life related parameters

The leaf persistance characterises the time of the year, in which the leaves are green, valid for Central Europe.

Ellenberg, H., Weber, H.E., Düll, R., Wirth, V. & Werner, W. (2001): Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa. Scripta Geobotanica 18, 262pp.

Classification system: category
A description of the coding system can be found here  Abbreviations/Coding Systems

Category name:Abbreviations:Explanation:
summergreenSgreen leaves only during the warmer seasons
early-spring greenVgreen only from early spring until early summer
hibernating greenWleaves remaining green during the winter
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit:
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Liliopsida213 / 361 - 59%
Lycopsida3 / 12 - 25%
Magnoliopsida6 / 20 - 30%
Polypodiopsida10 / 19 - 52.6%
Rosopsida290 / 399 - 72.6%
Sphenopsida8 / 9 - 88.8%