

Ecological parameter: trophic anchor value

Parameter group: trophy related parameters

The parameter describes the trophic score of the indicator taxon; the range of values corresponds to the LAWA trophic classification (LAWA 2014).

LAWA (2014): Trophieklassifikation von Seen. Richtlinie zur Ermittlung des Trophie-Index nach LAWA für natürliche Seen, Baggerseen, Talsperren und Speicherseen. Empfehlungen Oberirdische Gewässer. Hrsg. LAWA – Bund/Länder Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser. Kulturbuch-Verlag Berlin GmbH. 34 S. zzgl. Access-Auswertetool. (Autoren: Riedmüller, U., Hoehn, E., Mischke, U.). Update des Auswertetools unter:

Category name:Abbreviations:Explanation:
Danube Basin riversriver - DanubeDanube and tributaries
Central Highland riversriver - CHrivers and streams in the Central Highlands
Lowland riversriver - LLlowland rivers and streams
Alpine lakeslake - AAFnatural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Alps and Alpine Foothills
Central Highland lakeslake - CHnatural lakes, Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Central Highlands
Lowland stratified lakessn.lake – LLnatural stratified lakes of the Lowlands
Lowland stratified HMWB & AWBsa.lake - LLstratified Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands
Lowland polymictic lakespn.lake - LLnatural polymictic lakes of the Lowlands
Lowland polymictic HMWB & AWBpa.lake – LLpolymictic Heavily Modified Water Bodies and Artificial Water Bodies of the Lowlands
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit:
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Bacillariophyceae129 / 662 - 19.4%
Chlorophyceae201 / 621 - 32.3%
Chrysophyceae41 / 165 - 24.8%
Coccolithophyceae1 / 5 - 20%
Conjugatophyceae22 / 299 - 7.3%
Coscinodiscophyceae22 / 117 - 18.8%
Cryptophyceae15 / 31 - 48.3%
Cyanophyceae76 / 246 - 30.8%
Dictyochophyceae1 / 7 - 14.2%
Dinophyceae22 / 71 - 30.9%
Euglenophyceae19 / 69 - 27.5%
Fragilariophyceae24 / 87 - 27.5%
Klebsormidiophyceae5 / 11 - 45.4%
Prasinophyceae3 / 13 - 23%
Trebouxiophyceae4 / 16 - 25%
Ulvophyceae1 / 9 - 11.1%
Xanthophyceae5 / 45 - 11.1%